Open water


The Open Water Scuba Diving course is a certification course that teaches individuals the fundamentals of scuba diving. It is offered by various scuba diving organizations, such as the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) and the Scuba Schools International (SSI), and is recognized worldwide.

The Open Water Scuba Diving course typically involves a combination of classroom sessions, pool sessions, and open water dives. Participants learn about scuba diving equipment, diving techniques, and safety guidelines, and have the opportunity to practice basic scuba diving skills in a controlled environment before embarking on open water dives.

In the classroom sessions, participants learn about the physics of diving, the effects of pressure on the body, and how to plan and execute safe dives. They also learn about the different types of scuba diving equipment and how to properly use and maintain it.

In the pool sessions, participants practice basic scuba diving skills, such as breathing underwater, clearing water from their masks, and managing buoyancy. These skills are essential for safe and enjoyable scuba diving.

Once participants have mastered the basic skills, they move on to open water dives. During these dives, they apply what they have learned in the classroom and pool sessions to real-world diving situations. They explore the underwater world and experience the thrill of scuba diving while under the supervision of a certified scuba diving instructor.

Upon completion of the Open Water Scuba Diving course, participants receive a certification card that allows them to scuba dive independently (with a dive buddy) to a maximum depth of 18 meters (60 feet). They can then choose to continue their scuba diving education by taking more advanced courses and gaining more experience.

Scuba diving is a fun and exciting activity that allows individuals to explore the underwater world and see things that are not visible from the surface. It is important to always dive with a certified scuba diving instructor or a dive buddy and to follow all safety guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.